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Day 9

The Betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni

Chapter 7 (to end)

March 1, 2023 by Michael F. Moore

“The next morning Don Rodrigo woke up as Don Rodrigo again. The dread planted in his bones by that warning, “The day will come,” had vanished together with the dreams of the night. All that remained was his anger, exacerbated by shame over his momentary weakness.”

An echo of Padre Cristoforo’s revival of his old self—the one he wanted to repress—back in Chapter 6. “His old self joined with the new.” In both men the old self is fierce and wrathful.

“‘I’m sure you know,’ the man replied, smoothing the cloth on the table with both hands, ‘that the first rule of our trade is not to stick our nose into other people’s business. Not even our women do. It would be begging for trouble, with so many people coming and going. It’s like a seaport in here… when the harvest is good, that is. But we keep our spirits up. The times of plenty will be back. For us it’s enough that our customers are honest men. We don’t care who they are or aren’t. And now I’ll bring you a plate of meatballs, the likes of which you’ve never tasted.’”

The hypocrisy of the innkeeper, who then turns around and tells the two thugs exactly what they want to know.

“Between the initial conception of a dreadful deed and the acting upon it (according to a barbarian who was not devoid of genius), all the interim is like a phantasma or a hideous dream.”

Manzoni ironizing on Voltaire’s description of Shakespeare as a “barbarian,” an opinion he did not share. The two tragedies that Manzoni wrote, Il conte di Carmagnola and Gli Adelchi were heavily influenced by the bard, through the prism of German Sturm un Drang. This quote is from Julius Caesar: “Between the acting of a dreadful thing / And the first motion, all the interim is / Like a phantasma or a hideous dream.”

Daily Reading

A Preview

A Preview

Day 1

Introduction & Chapter 1 (through pg. 13: "were still around.")

Day 2

Chapter 1 (to end)

Day 3

Chapter 2

Day 4

Chapter 3

Day 5

Chapter 4

Day 6

Chapter 5

Day 7

Chapter 6

Day 8

Chapter 7 (through p.108: “respective ranks.”)

Day 9

Chapter 7 (to end)

Day 10

Chapter 8 (through p.130: “the others filed behind him.”)

Day 11

Chapter 8 (to end)

Day 12

Chapter 9 (through p.151: “are also quite capable.”)

Day 13

Chapter 9 (to end)

Day 14

Chapter 10 (through p.174: “her closest relatives.”)

Day 15

Chapter 10 (to end)

Day 16

Chapter 11 (through p.193: “keep track of it.")

Day 17

Chapter 11 (to end)

Day 18

Chapter 12

Day 19

Chapter 13

Day 20

Chapter 14

Day 21

Chapter 15

Day 22

Chapter 16

Day 23

Chapter 17

Day 24

Chapter 18

Day 25

Chapter 19

Day 26

Chapter 20

Day 27

Chapter 21

Day 28

Chapter 22

Day 29

Chapter 23

Day 30

Chapter 24 (through p.396: “as soon as you’re ready.”)

Day 31

Chapter 24 (to end)

Day 32

Chapter 25

Day 33

Chapter 26

Day 34

Chapter 27

Day 35

Chapter 28 (through p.467: “their hands from hunger.”)

Day 36

Chapter 28 (to end)

Day 37

Chapter 29

Day 38

Chapter 30

Day 39

Chapter 31

Day 40

Chapter 32 (through p.534: “purpose of the conflict.”)

Day 41

Chapter 32 (to end)

Day 42

Chapter 33 (through p.554: “treatise on political economy.”)

Day 43

Chapter 33 (to end)

Day 44

Chapter 34 (through p.574: “the living were left.”)

Day 45

Chapter 34 (to end)

Day 46

Chapter 35

Day 47

Chapter 36

Day 48

Chapter 37

Day 49

Chapter 38

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