A Public Space is an independent nonprofit publisher of an eponymous award-winning literary, arts, and culture magazine, and A Public Space Books. Under the direction of founding editor Brigid Hughes since 2006, it has been our mission to seek out overlooked and unclassifiable work, and to publish writing from beyond established confines. Subscribe today, and join the conversation.
Founding Benefactor
Deborah Pease (1943-2014)
Brigid Hughes
Contributing Editors
Yiyun Li
Annie Coggan
Martha Cooley
Edwin Frank
Mark Hage
John Haskell
Fiona Maazel
Ayana Mathis
Robert Sullivan
Antoine Wilson
International Contributing Editors
A. N. Devers (England)
Dorthe Nors (Denmark)
Natasha Randall (England)
Motoyuki Shibata (Japan)
Board of Directors
Charles Buice
Elizabeth Gaffney
Katherine Bell
Yiyun Li
Robert Sullivan
Brigid Hughes
Associate Managing Editor
Ruby Wang
Editor At Large
Elizabeth Gaffney
Poetry Editor
Brett Fletcher Lauer
Advisory Board
Robert Casper
Fiona McCrae
James Meader
Josh Rolnick
Associate Editors
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
Sidik Fofana
Taylor Michael
Laura Preston
Editorial Fellow
Lydia Mathis
Copy Editors
Anne McPeak
Kellie M. Hultgren
Joshua Craig
Julia Ring
Alex Yeranossian
Meagan Washington
Maria Catalina Heitmann
Miguel Coronado
Max Keller
Hristo Karastoyanov
Zoe Davis
Klein Voorhees
Janet Hansen
Tolstoy Together, a virtual book club to read War and Peace with Yiyun Li, launches on March 18, 2020. The experience—an 85-day collective journey through an epic novel with thousands of readers across six continents—would later be compiled in the book Tolstoy Together: 85 Days of War and Peace with Yiyun Li. APS Together, a new series of virtual book clubs, launches in June 2020.
A Public Space Books is established.
A Public Space is awarded the inaugural Literary Magazine Prize from the Whiting Foundation for “stand[ing] as a paradigm of what literary magazines can be.”
Editor Brigid Hughes and A Public Space receive the Colophon Award for Paradigm Independent Publishing from CLMP (Community of Literary Magazines and Presses).
The Deborah Pease Prize is established to honor the legacy of A Public Space’s founding benefactor.
Jamel Brinkley’s debut story collection, A Lucky Man (A Public Space/Graywolf), is a finalist for the National Book Award.
Graywolf Press announces a partnership with A Public Space to publish books by contributors to the magazine. The titles published through the partnership would include: Karate Chop, So Much for That Winter, and Mirror, Shoulder, Signal by Dorthe Nors; Cities I’ve Never Lived In by Sara Majka; The Complete Ballet by John Haskell; and A Lucky Man by Jamel Brinkley.
Editor Brigid Hughes receives the PEN/Nora Magid Award for Editing.
Monkey Business, an annual anthology edited by Motoyuki Shibata showcasing contemporary Japanese literature, which developed from a portfolio in the debut issue of A Public Space, debuts. A Public Space would serve as the co-publisher for seven editions of Monkey Business. In 2020, the publication would relaunch as Monkey: New Writing from Japan.
A Public Space is a proud member of the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses.
A Public Space is grateful for the support of the following organizations:
New York State
Council on the Arts
National Endowment
for the Arts
NYC Cultural Affairs
Amazon Literary
The Literary Arts
Emergency Fund