Day 9
pp. 229-247 (through “with love from your father.”)
January 13, 2021 by A Public Space
Roberta, writing about Alberico: “He always seems like somebody who has just walked for miles and miles.” Roberta is really a solace. She sees the homelessness and rootlessness of Alberico better than anyone else.
“Don’t think I’m not astonished to have married her. I feel astonished about it every day. I don’t know if she wonders why she has married me.”
A dreadful clarity: never self-deceptive, Giuseppeis is nevertheless an effective saboteur of his own life and other lives.
Alberico mis-remembering Lucrezia’s name as Ophelia: is there something otherworldly about her? She, despite the messes she has made, continues to occupy the center of many people’s attention.