A Public Space
No. 27
No schism occurs without a few pangs and regrets, of course. The animals had heretical ideas, but sometimes they seemed herer than we were. Maybe it was because bits and bytes flew over their heads. Maybe the animals were only ever going to listen to someone who spoke in moons and stars. Of course we never would have stooped to that, pandering to wallabies and penguins, handing out stars like handing out candy. If only there had been some river that could have washed all that magic off, all that moonshine, without washing them away as well.
—Amy Leach

Table of Contents
137 Northeast Regional
I would have fallen in love with him too had not so many others done so already.
Now that our intelligence, having accelerated for centuries, has almost attained unimpeachability, we are not taking it lightly.
A Few Necessary Questions
It was cruel, it was unspeakable, to allow innocence to mock itself this way.
The Travelogues of Ahmad Fа̄ris Shidyа̄q
The concept of civilization has acquired such popularity.
Calligraphies IX
Remember longing / when it was legitimate, / remember writing / in an emerging language.
After Pasternak, 1917
in dark / cold sleep, each branch a midnight / candelabrum of the cosmos.
Dear Millennium, On The Debt Of Love Among Strangers
Once I told you, love is a partial /anagram of solvency. Dear millennium, please— / I owe you nothing.
After Susan Rothenberg’s Untitled Drawing, No. 41, 1997
The horse gallops / fog under its chin
Almost Human
They said never to trust an Indian who doesn’t want to go back to his own reservation.
Scrapbook Houses
Of all Edith Wharton's characters, Lily Bart is most her author's architectural id.
On Plot
I’ve lost my taste for anything that isn’t made up.
Translated from the Japanese by David Boyd
Problems of an Empire
How important to designate even the most unimportant occurrence: What is nameless cannot exist.
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