Day 12
Finish Chapter 3, pp. 211-End
December 14, 2020 by Claire Messud
When Mrs. Copperfield and Pacifica arrive at the restaurant to join Miss Goering, we see Frieda, for the first time, as she appears to an old friend – dismaying. “She was terribly thin and she appeared to be suffering from a skin eruption.” (p.215)
“I have gone to pieces,” Mrs. Copperfield concedes, “…a thing I’ve wanted to do for years…but I have my happiness, which I guard like a wolf, and I have authority now and a certain amount of daring…” (p.217)
Miss Goering demurs; Mrs. Copperfield, too, has judgements: “You have…lost your charm…everyone thought you were light in the head, but I thought you were extremely instinctive...” (p.218) How we are seen bears little relation to how we see ourselves.
“Although I love Pacifica very much, I think it is obvious that I am more important,” says Mrs. C (p.218). How could Miss Goering disagree, having left behind her a trail of broken hearts?
Herself abandoned at the last, Miss Goering believes she is nearer to salvation, tho “is it possible that a part of me…is piling sin upon sin as fast as Mrs. Copperfield?” (p.221) For someone without religion, what is sin?