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A Public Space

No. 17

Douglas Crase on Michelle Jaffé’s Wappen Field; John Haskell in Los Angeles; Peter Orner in Chicago; Jessica Francis Kane on Thomas Lane; Tom Drury at the zoo; Hervé Guibert’s journals; poems from Palestine; stories by Patricio Pron and Christina Hesselholdt; poems by Suzanne Buffam, Monica Ferrell, Vijay Seshadri, and others; and introducing Megan Cummins.

Table of Contents



American Lawn

The white paper stood out among the faded posters announcing diversions she’d tried in years past—yoga, piano lessons, French conversation.

Jessica Francis Kane



Railroad Men’s Home

Henry’s enemy lived next door.

Peter Orner




The story I’m in begins, not at the beginning because there is no beginning, but I remember sitting behind a desk.

John Haskell



Missing Things

It didn’t occur to me that I should miss / the sidewalks.

Adam Clay




Not just because of my cold, cold heart, / pumping absolute zero in the glacial void / do I not know anyone truly

Vijay Seshadri



In Which the Pathetic Fallacy Wants to Even More

Frankly I don’t follow this / strategy of yours

Mark Bibbins



Altered Proverbs

People who live in glass houses should install blinds.

​Suzanne Buffam



From the Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Casuistry

It scarcely varies.

Brian Blanchfield



In the Fetus Museum

You tiny Nero among peacock silks

Monica Ferrell



Three Poems

A little mark shines between your fluttering eyelids.

Pierre Reverdy



Sever Sonnet

Fire / Wall and wall / -flower, you, a blossom of ice at the frontier

Andrew Zawacki




No one uses the running path / anymore

Elizabeth Willis



Two Poems

from my bed’s edge / I take a step / forward

Brian Teare



Two Poems

Tiny mirrors released me into my mother’s palms

Ghassan Zaqtan



Aperture on a Virtual Field

I had the good luck to encounter Michelle Jaffé’s room-sized installation, Wappen Field, at the Bosi Contemporary gallery in New York early in August 2012.

​Douglas Crase



Camilla—and the Rest of the Party

Charles is ill.

Christina Hesselholdt



Misty and the Argonauts

At first the reading man sat at the bar.

Tom Drury



We Are Holding Our Own

All that vanished time rattled around inside him like engine knock.

Megan Cummins



The Mausoleum of Lovers

I think that death, when it comes, is ardently desired by the body (abrupt spring shower), that it is just the respite from a fatal disgust.

Hervé Guibert



Something in Us Wants to Be Saved

We opened the bottle and took a long sip before lying down on the grass and looking at the clouds:

Patricio Pron

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