Day 7
Villette by Charlotte BrontëChapter XI–XII
November 21, 2022 by Yiyun Li
Fascinating slip here: Lucy uses “we” instead of “I.” She doesn’t have anyone to be part of a “we”; only her urge to hide.
He perhaps was not in love; but how many people ever do love, or at least marry for love in this world? We waited the end.
Very like Lucy to speak only of a half wish; more interestingly, a half wish she abandons right away.
I could not help forming half a wish that the said doctor were my brother… I say half a wish; I broke it and flung it away before it became a whole one.
Madame Beck is a master of surveillance; Lucy, more than that. In these two chapters she is not only spying, but actively searching for clues and recreating scenarios like a detective. To borrow a cliché, the plot thickens.