A Public Space
No. 25
An issue exploring iconoclasts, tensions, contrasts, antagonisms, and culture clashes that motivate art and inform conflict.

Table of Contents
Le Corbusier to Iannis Xenakis
I therefore give you back your freedom as of September 1, 1959.
The Sinister Capabilities of Amiability
He was their fascination, danger, and distraction, a foretold scapegoat, a matter of time.
Free Speech Freely Spoken
True, Or Bloomingdale, Westchester Division, New York Hospital, Dr. Walter McKnight, Presiding
You can trust it a little, but only, as admitted, a little.
The Green Man
They say difficulty is an invitation; does that mean the more the difficulty, the more the invitation? Is impossibility the deepest invitation of all?
The first thing he wanted to do was to leave, no, it wasn’t—why are you lying to yourself, Costumier?
Translated from the Russian by Natasha Randall
Inflammatory Essays
Rejoice! Our times are intolerable. Take courage, for the worst is a harbinger of the best.
Either/Or: Notes from a Difficult Year
Writing, as long as it is one’s private freedom, will always be disloyalty.
November 18, 1987
We are in obscene danger of becoming mass men (all right mass “people”) who will attempt to tear down anyone who is beyond us.
On the Direct and the Circular
How do two artists live together… and maintain our sanity and continue to work?
Interviewed by Lynda Benglis
Village Journeys
The streets were always so full of people running around all over the place, this way and that, shouting out "Free-dom! Free-dom!"
Translated from the Catalan by Scott Shanahan
Three Stories
What was the point of so much effort, single-minded devotion, celibacy and sacrifice?
Translated from the Catalan by Peter Bush
Death by Dying
She says I’m always doing bad things, and maybe she’s right, but if I don’t do them I get bored.
Translated from the Catalan by Megan Berkobien
Cohocton, Reunion
There were too many of them in the small house, and the rain was constant that last day.
Sky and Light and Color
During this time I was enjoying the passage of days and waiting to see if there would be any money.
Poem for Quicksand
O you gorgeous torture, you slow-mo sadist, / you taught me all I knew about breathlessness.
Then They Ate Their Horses
How many men fit into this ditch / beside me? What color before were / my robes?
From A Winter Notebook
Winter—might pray to green trees / to see the star that brings a season in...
I can sometimes tell, / if you put two chemicals together, / what kind of third chemical you might get...
Giles Corey
Do you realize the wealth of stones / God, in His infinite wisdom, has given to this township?
Public Art
La Dérive
Even more than the streets, the harbor is liminal by definition: the tides only change.
Sitting: A Position Paper
The workers of the world (except at lunch hour and on the weekend and except parents and those who care for children) don’t sit in parks.
101 South Fifth Street
The tipi, for instance, understands plains life far differently than the barn.
Surface Matters
Surface is not an independent element. It has thickness, and this thickness is both physical and metaphorical.
A List of Some of the Things Martin Knows
Asking questions can lead to trouble. Asking questions can be a very bad idea.
The Pale Pig
He saw the ice growing up from the dirt, the browning of the grass. The ascendance of the callous season.
We talked of grabbing the city, as if by its neck, and having it right here, right in the palms of our hands.
Nights in Logar
All that mattered then for a musafir from America was how he was going to go about killing another hot summer day.
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