A Public Space
No. 28
Belonging and excluded, borders and crossings, the solid and the porous. From evening to day, imagined to real. The populous and the particular. This is an issue about dualities. Inside and outside, and the interstitial between.

Table of Contents
Outside Inside
This is an issue about dualities. Inside and outside, and the interstitial between.
Four Stories
It was time at last for a full renunciation of the way I had been living, fast then slow, the blood and brain, the inner dynamo.
In the Forest
Listen: something has happened.
Translated from the Chinese by Fiona Sze-Lorrain.
The wind is directionless, confusing the trees, loosening siding and tiles. Creatures of flight have put themselves away.
The Let-Out
So much is made about the importance of depth in human interactions, but what about the delicate surface, what about the skin?
Simple as That
When you wake up / keep quiet / find ecstasy.
Translated by Cassandra Gillig and Anne Boyer
The Mystery
My writing...maybe it's nothing. But still, as long as I'm alive, I'll say, "Here, it's for you."
Orange Means Red
"You can't always tell from the outside," Sue says. "But something was wrong. Something was wrong, and the mother knew it."
Recreation Management
I didn’t know if I could live in a world that seemed to me now like the essence of shark. That vicious unlit eye.
Das Patent
I set out upon a normal investigation and found that invention required all the same components.
Poem for Éluard
what clouds can teach us / in the capital of sadness / is the rose / is always public
On Death: Little Odes
Contraction’s flash: / My love, I know / It’s you.
Translated from the Portuguese by Julia Powers
The best kind of property is shared, designed to benefit widely, and without bounds.
A War Story
There were no borders or boundaries, just differences in taste from one house to the next. I was going from taste to taste, and that was all.
The White Road
Someday we will better understand what has happened to make all things change in such a small space of time.
The Monkey in the Whirlpool
That was the end of the dream. And then the man covered his face and began to cry, because he was reminded of his dead father, who once told him he had a gift.
Translated by Samuel Rutter
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