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This master class explores the idea of writing as akin to leading a double life.
Master Class
Brooklyn, NY
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Things Seen in Flowers: Poetry and the Occult Spring.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
This six-week course will follow a workshop format, with a focus on crafting a piece from scratch.
Wednesdays, January 23–February 27, 2019
I like to think of literature and criticism as an act of pushing something forward, of mapping new terrains, internal and external, of doing things with language that reveal something about what it means to read and to live.
Saturday, December 1, 2018
To write is to sell a ticket to escape, not from the truth but into it.
Saturday, November 3
This season's Novel Workshop is for writers with a substantially, nearly, or fully complete draft of their novels.
Wednesdays, September 26 – December 5, 2018
Legendary editor Gordon Lish joins A Public Space Academy this summer for a three-hour Master Class on the art of revision.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Award-winning author and contributing editor to A Public Space Yiyun Li joins A Public Space Academy for a three-hour Master Class on autobiographical writing.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
In this four-week introductory workshop on the essay as a narrative form, we will—as both serious readers and engaged practitioners—try to find some possible ways to begin to answer these questions. The course will include critical reading; developing ideas; and a healthy and vigorous discussion of what it takes for a contemporary essay to rise above the din.
June 19 – July 17, 2018
Acclaimed author Francine Prose joins A Public Space Academy for a Master Class on subtext.
A Public Space, 323 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
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