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The structure of each class meeting is modeled on the technique classes that are often foundational for dancers.
Tuesdays, May 19–June 23, 2020
This workshop is about how to help the work we’re writing find what it needs within us, and how to allow language to find things for the sake of the work.
Master Class
Brooklyn, NY
Saturday, March 14, 2020
The legendary poetry teacher Martin Skoble, who has taught at Saint Ann's School in Brooklyn for over forty years, leads a Master Class inspired by his belief that "poetry is a communal experience, not to be closed off and isolated."
Saturday, February 29
**This class is sold out. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please email Megan Cummins at [email protected].** What are facts? Why should fiction writers care about them?
Thursday, February 27
This season’s Novel Workshop is for writers with a substantially or fully complete draft of their novels.
Wednesdays, February 26–June 3, 2020
A Master Class exploring the role of time in fiction, and a deep dive into E.M. Forster's famous adage: "In the novel, there is always the clock."
Thursday, January 23
Michael Silverblatt, legendary interviewer and host of the radio program Bookworm, shares his insights on how to speak about your writing so that every conversation becomes an opportunity to elevate and support your work.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
A class on editing with Fiona McCrae, the publisher and director of Graywolf Press.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A class in the art and practicalities of the copyediting process.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
This Master Class will focus on reading like a writer, rather than a student or critic or fan—the better to use the literature we love for our own purposes.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
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