Elizabeth Gaffney: The Novel Workshop
September 19 – November 28 A Public Space, 323 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217
This semester's Novel Workshop is for writers with a substantially, nearly or fully complete draft of their novels. Each writer will have the opportunity to have their entire manuscript read and critiqued. As a parallel to close reading and line editing, class discussion will focus on arc, shape, characters, and plot development. The workshop will be limited to 10 writers.
In addition to a comprehensive critique of your manuscript, you will also receive an editorial letter from the instructor at the end of the workshop. Additionally, the workshop will offer an overview of the publishing industry, and detailed guidance on how to navigate the search for an agent and finding the right publisher for your book.
Note: Manuscripts may be up to 400 pages—8.5 x 11 page, double-spaced, in 12-point font, with one-inch margins. For longer books, please contact Megan Cummins at before enrolling.
To register, please visit the Academy section in our online store. If you have any questions, or would like any additional information, please write managing editor Megan Cummins at
Course Schedule
September 19 – November 28 (there is no class on November 21)
6:30 - 9:00 pm 10 sessions
Fee: $800
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