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Day 10

pages 190-209 — start: "I think he is a very peculiar man"

April 15, 2021 by Idra Novey

“Depend upon it, it is something to do with money.”
In all of Stead’s books, she exposes the capitalism lurking under the surface of her characters’ choices, whether they talk about money aloud, or not.

“You are retreating from life more and more, Robert. You will not face any issue.”
Another brilliant line that resonates with our own time, of people compelled to retreat from whatever changed world emerges from this pandemic.

"I do not know if they ever saw each other again.”
With this last line of the novel, Stead leaves Mrs. Trollope as she leaves the Mayor, in motion—thrust once more into the moving forces of the world. The weigh station of The Little Hotel is over.

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